Monday, October 28, 2013

Happily Ever After?

I watch a lot of TV. And by a lot, I mean, I have loads of shows on DVD, I have a Netflix and Hulu account and I'm signed up for Amazon Prime mainly because when I order TV on DVD I want them ASAP. Needless to say, I watch TV like some people watch movies or read books. Furthermore, if you raided my TV on DVD collection, or know anything about me you'll find that I'm a hopeless romantic who enjoys a good happily ever after.

But what does happily ever after even mean?

The world I live in has told me that happily ever after means that I make a lot of money and drive fancy cars and live in a nice house. And! I say, most importantly to this picture, I do all these things with a husband and 2.5 children. Since my confession that I'm a hopeless romantic, you can bet that I envision those things for my future. This is all well and good, but I can't help but wonder if this is the only 'happily ever after' I should want?

Is it the only happily ever after you want?

Maybe it is. Maybe you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Maybe you have found your dream job, or your dream house, or a really awesome car. And maybe those things will send you into your future and give you great joy.

But what if they don't? What if happily ever after doesn't mean someone else, or a collection of things or a job? What if happily ever after means just you and your changing life?

What if happily ever after means that you have a solid group have friends that get you?

What if happily ever after means going home after a long day of work and cuddling with your dog/cat/[insert animal here]?

What if happily ever after means that you drive a beat up old car or that you get paid nothing for a job you love?

And here's a thought! Maybe happily ever after doesn't even exist! What in the world would we do then?

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